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Calling All Women: Columbus First Women's Ministry

Her Responsibilities

The February 9 sermon was entitled “His Responsibilities.” In that message I encouraged all husbands to live out the words in Ephesians 5:25-33 related to what God expects out of, and models for, men in our relationships with our wives. It was a convicting message that invited husbands to love our wives as Christ loves His church, to love our wives as our own bodies, and to love our wives as servant-leaders. I don’t think I’ve had more positive feedback on a sermon from the wives in our church and community than I’ve had since last Sunday. On February 16th I will be preaching on “Her Responsibilities.” There are some very clear calls from God for wives found in Genesis 2:18-25 which we will unpack this Sunday.

Women Only

While I am excited about this sermon series on building strong relationships I am also excited about a wonderful new ministry for women in our church. Columbus and the Golden triangle have lots of great opportunities for couples, but we also want to serve our growing single adults in more intentional ways. On February 23rd we will be kicking off a brand-new “Women Only” Sunday School class that will share a meet and greet in Carolyn’s room at 10AM that day. The women invited include, but are not limited to, women who are single, divorced, and widowed, as well as women whose husbands don’t come to church and/or to Sunday School. If this describes you we hope you will come and that you will invite other women to join you.

"Ten Women of the Bible"

This new opportunity for women to connect with God and each other is going to be a powerful movement! We already have seven wonderful ladies who have agreed to step up and lead in this wonderful new ministry! It will start on Sunday mornings, but we are trusting that it will develop into dinners, movies, shopping, walking groups, pickleball, and other activities together through the week for women who want to experience doing life together. The first study our women will experience together begins on March 2nd and is entitled “Ten Women of the Bible” by Max Lucado. We are ordering books soon, so please call the church or email Elizabeth to get signed up at

The Coming Weeks...

There are lots of wonderful opportunities for men and women, single and married, old and young to connect with God in the coming weeks. On February 19th at 6PM we will enjoy a family worship night in the sanctuary with all our children, youth, and adults (all normal Wednesday night activities will be suspended on this night so we can worship all together, but childcare will be provided for our little ones). On February 23rd we will share our next Connecting Point lunch at 12:15 in Carolyn’s Room. This is the perfect place for those who are not yet members of the church and who want to know more about the church, it’s mission, ministries, and values. On March 5th, we will kick of the Season of Lent with services at Noon in the chapel and 6PM in the Sanctuary for all ages and stages. On March 30th we will share our next 5th Sunday gathering as a whole church body. We will raise monies and pack meals with our Rise Against Hunger serve day. We will enjoy worship at 8:45, packing of meals at 10AM, and enjoy a wonderful meal together by Noon. On top of all that we have exciting announcements to make soon about Easter Sunday.


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